agenda state committee 2012 06 23

Proposed Agenda for Green-Rainbow Party State Committee Meeting June 23, 2012

Click here for a two-sided, single sheet version of agenda suitable for printing

9 AM - 4 PM
Worcester Friends Meeting House

901 Pleasant St
Worcester, MA 01062

local contact: Richard Vaillette · [email protected] · 978-874-0273
for maps, directions and RSVPs

 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Quorum call and welcome. 

  1. Select minutes taker, stacker, time keeper, vibes-watcher, and parliamentarian(s) for the meeting.
    To expedite the meeting, we ask you to volunteer for one of these roles in advance.
  2. Establish quorum. Seat alternates as appropriate.
    we thank you in advance for demonstrating your respect for your other committee members by showing up on time
  3. Review and approve the meeting agenda. 
  4. Approve minutes of last Committee meeting.
  5. Appoint facilitators for Fall 2012 state committee meeting 
  6. Choose time, place of Fall 2012 state committee meeting (to be held in Western MA 
  • location option A: TBD location in 4th Berkshire District (couple w/ canvassing/voter ID/standouts in support of Laugenour campaign)
  • location option B: Amherst MA, e.g. HItchcock Center for the Environment 
  • date option A: Sunday 23 Sept 2012
  • date option B: Sunday 30 Sept 2012

9:30 AM - 9:50 AM Urgent Business

Selection of Presidential Electors. Presentation by party co-chair Anthony Barrows

Candidate Endorsement Request: Scott Laugenour, Green-Rainbow Party candidate for State Representative, 4th Berkshire District

Appointment to fill Diversity Representative position on the Administrative Committee

9:50 AM - 10:00 AM Old Business

Report on Review of Ad-Com Structure (as requested by State Committee). Presentation by party secretary Merelice. 

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Presentation and ranking of meeting proposals

10:30 AM -11:30 AM Mini-Summit

How State Committee Members Can Plug Into Initiatives and other Organizing Opportunities (as requested by State Committee)

List of Green-Rainbow Party 2011 Initiatives  (from 16 April 2011 Initiative Organizing Summit and Summer 2012 State Committee Meeting):
  • Voter Registration — included in all of the initiatives as an integral component
  • Justice, Immigration and Civil RIghts (Claribel Santiago/Arthur Conquest)
  • Winning a better budget with fairer taxes (Shirley Kressel/Nat Fortune)
  • Building a green and just economy 
  • Achieving universal single-payer health care
  • Bringing our troops and war dollars home
Earlier, still ongoing initiatives include
Some immediate opportunities for coalition work on initiative topics (illustrative examples)
  • Fund our Communities Not War (FOCNW) referendum campaign:The Scott Laugenour Campaign has signed on to collect signatures in the 4th Berkshire district. Members of The Green-Rainbow Party Pioneer Valley Local have signed on to collect signatures in the 5th and 10th Hampden districts.  District by District list available here.  Signature deadline July 3rd. 
  • Campaign for Our Communities/An Act To Invest In Our Communities: goal is passage of major "revenue reform" legislation in 2013 
  • Massachusetts Patient Advocacy Alliance Initiative: advocating for safe access to medical marijuana (signatures have been submitted)
MIni-Summit Agenda/Discussion 
  1. History of actions taken (or not taken) by various initiative committees
  2. Input from candidates regarding which initiative topics/actions would be most relevant to their campaigns: Scott Laugenour, others?
  3. relevance to strategic plan: planning and implementation. How can these help us "vote and organize?" 
  4. prioritization: which initiatives are worth continuing? which need new leadership? what are reasonable goals for each? 
  5.  identifying state committee members willing to work as initiative meeting conveners and/or organizers

11:30 AM - 12:00 Noon Working Committee Meetings

Working Committee Meeting Time for State committee members

12:00 Noon - 12:45 PM Lunch Break

Bring your own/pot luck. There is a small kitchen available on site. 

12:45 PM – 1:30 PM Reports from Party officers and directors of active committees

  • Co-chairs
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Candidate Development and Legal Committee
  • Communications
  • Convention
  • Fundraising
  • Membership
supporting documents

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Consideration of Highest Ranked Proposal

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Consideration of 2nd Highest Ranked Proposal

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Consideration of 3rd Highest Ranked Proposal

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Consideration of 4th Highest Ranked Proposal

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Meeting Wrapup

  • review of action items and decisions
  • miscellaneous announcements 
  • round robin
  • clean up of facility


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