agenda state committee 2012 04 15

Proposed Agenda for Green-Rainbow Party State Committee Meeting April 15, 2012

 11:00 -- 11:20 AM

While most people arrive, register, and pick up name tags and needed papers, the organizing State Committee meeting that consists of L. Scott Laugenour (the only member elected from a State Senatorial District on March 6) and Mike Heichman (to take notes as Secretary) will convene. Agenda:

1)  Re-appoint the current Co-Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer of the party as the Co-Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer of the party.

2)  Appoint those who were elected as State Committee representatives and alternates at Regional Conventions as members of the newly organized State Committee.

NOTENames of elected reps and alternates by county, including those elected the day before, must be sent to the Secretary by Saturday night.


11:20 – 11:30 AM

Quorum call and determination. Seat Alternates as appropriate.


11:30 – 11:50 AM

Selection of minutes taker, stacker, time keeper, vibes-watcher, and parliamentarian(s) for the meeting. Review the agenda. NOTE: To the extent possible, volunteers for different roles and suggested adjustments to the agenda would be welcomed in advance.


11:50 AM – 12:00 PM

Approval of minutes of last Committee meeting.

Setting time, place, and co-facilitators of next meeting.

NOTE: Regarding place: The summer meeting is usually held in Worcester. Regarding time: Because the usual mid-July date conflicts with the national presidential nominating convention, the Administrative Committee recommends either June 23 or June 30 for the next meeting.


12:00 to 12:20 PM

General orientation of responsibilities and procedures of State Committee members (bylaw provisions, use of email lists, how to make a proposal, etc.).


12:20 -- 12:30 PM

Presentation and ranking of proposals


12:30 – 1:00 PM

Begin series of reports, presentations, updates, and volunteer opportunities from:

co-chairs, treasurer, secretary (5 minutes each), and directors and co-chairs of working committees (10 to 15 minutes each):

Communications, Fundraising, Membership, CDLC, Platform, Convention Planning


1:00 – 1:45 PM

Lunch Break: Bring your own, pot luck, or multiple choices of nearby restaurants.


1:45– 2:15 PM

Elections: Party Secretary, AdCom Diversity Rep, more reps to the national Green Party.

NOTE: Currently 5 of the 6 AdCom members and 1 of the 3 directors are from the Greater Boston Chapter -- not a good balance of regional representation.


2:15 – 2:55 PM

Consideration of urgent matters:

Ratification of updated ByLaws - Merelice, 10 minutes

Delegation to the Presidential Nominating Convention - AdCom, 15 minutes

Candidate endorsements - CDLC, 15 minutes


2:55 -- 4:00 PM

Continue series of reports, presentation, updates, and volunteer opportunities (see 12:30)


4:00 – 4:30 PM

Consideration of Proposals


4:30 – 4:45 PM

Round of feedback on conduct of the meeting; adjourn


4:45 -- 5:15 PM

Brief breakouts for Committee organizing


Merelice and Elie Yarden, co-facilitators

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