2013 Spring StateCom Agenda


Arrival and Registration 9:00-9:30

Register, pick up name tags and documents.

Welcome Message 9:30-9:32

Presented by Greg Williams co-chair of the Greater Boston Chapter.

Opening Business 9:32-10:10

  1. Introductions (Name, County, Representative, Alternate or Guest, member of local chapter, member of Adcom, Working Committee(s), GPUS, etc.
  2. Selection of minutes taker, stacker, timekeeper, vibes-watcher, and parliamentarian for the meeting
  3. Verify Quorum (Seat Alternates as appropriate)
  4. Appointment of New StateCom Representatives and Alternates
  5. Approve the Agenda
  6. Approve minutes of previous meeting
  7. Set time, place, and select co-facilitators for next meeting

Presentation and ranking of proposals) 10:10-10:20


Guest Speaker 10:20-10:30

Francisco L. White who is running for Boston City Council.

Report on Hiring of GRP Administrator 10:30-10:35

Introduction of Siggy Meilus.

Treasurer's Report 10:35-10:40


Report on Survey of Chapters 10:40-10:45


Break-out Meetings 10:45-11:45

Working committees and groups.

Lunch 11:45-1:00

  • A refrigerator, oven and sink are available at Tent City if you wish to bring your own lunch.
  • Across the street are two restaurants

Statements by candidates for office 1:00-1:10


Committee Reports 1:10-1:35

Communications, Fundraising and Membership.

Reports from local chapters 1:35-1:50


Urgent Business 1:50-1:55


Elections 1:55-2:00


Proposals 2:00-3:00

  1. Expedited Round
  2. Regular Round

Break 3:00-3:10


Short Term Action Proposals for the GRP 3:10-4:20


End of Meeting 4:20-4:40

  1. Round Robin Evaluation
  2. Announcements
  3. Break down and clean up meeting space

Adjourn 4:40

Showing 4 reactions

  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2013-04-18 15:49:02 -0400
    What in its content distinguishes an “action proposal” as “short term” is quite obscure. But this impression occurs only if they are read carefully. I’ll try to make mine clearer in this respect, i.e., short term.

    Elie Yarden
  • Elie Yarden
    commented 2013-04-18 15:49:02 -0400
    What in its content distinguishes an “action proposal” as “short term” is quite obscure. But this impression occurs only if they are read carefully. I’ll try to make mine clearer in this respect, i.e., short term.

    Elie Yarden
  • David Gerry
    followed this page 2013-04-18 15:48:58 -0400
  • Eddie Ellis
    commented 2013-04-10 11:08:58 -0400
    Open to all G/R Party, MA registered voters?